Your Safe Space to learn about Sacred Feminine, Spirituality and Self Development

Welcome to our virtual safe space!

No encounter is by chance and if you got here it’s because our stories have something in common.

I’m Milla Dalbem.

Just another woman, learning with life, how to be a better spirit. My mission is to leave Earth better then when I arrived.

You can also define me as: Writer, Ceremonialist, Speaker.

I’m Brazilian, but I currently reside in Massachusetts, USA.

I was raised in a home with a lot of religious freedom, where in childhood I learned Catholic customs (from my non-biological mother) and the customs of Afro-descendant religions from my father side.

As a teenager, I tried to learn about Buddhism, Spiritism and other different cultures and religions. But the questions I had in my soul were never answered in any of these places.

This lack of answers, even for a long time, made me a depressive person, I did not feel joy in my day to day life, I did not feel well with my body and had very challenging relationships with the people around me.

I didn’t understand the world. I didn’t accept God the way I was taught, I thought planet Earth was an unfair place, and that killed my soul day after day.

When I was about to give up my degree in veterinary medicine, I was invited by a professor, one of those angels that God places in our lives, to attend a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) class.

It was there that I first awakened, when I was introduced to the concept of TAO, and today it is one of my favorite workshops. The way TCM sees individuals and the universe enchanted me, and it was also through this tool that I was first introduced to the understanding of the BODY-MIND-SPIRIT triad.

TCM was a door that opened for me to walk down a path that would lead me to the work of my soul and it was also where I learned to take care of the physical body.

Obviously, this inspired me to also take care of my mind and emotions, which led me to study Thetahealing ® and floral therapy, which today allows me to work as a therapist.

Life changed as I changed. And in the midst of this movement, I took a trip to the Amazon rainforest and I had no idea that my spiritual healing was on the way!

Shamanism came into my life bringing healing and understanding much deeper than I thought possible.

Through the sacrament of power plants, I found the God I’ve believed in since I was very little. I understood and still learn about the universal laws that govern our universe, people and nature.

While TCM taught me about duality, shamanism teaches me how “EVERYTHING IS PART OF THE WHOLE”.

I finally freed myself from many of the addictions that destroyed me and I am in the process of becoming aware of many others. 

Today there is only one path, to be an increasingly better human being and to teach everything I have learned so far, as a form of retribution. Because the world works like this, in the abundance of giving and taking.

Shamanism was where I found my soul and my essence. It brought me the opportunity of sacred ancestral healing and to reconnect with my maternal (biological) family, thus learning more about my roots and consequently who I am.

This healing itself came through the Sacred Feminine, where I was also able to re-signify my relationship with my body, with other women and which helped me to access my creative power. Today I bring this healing to other sisters through the “Sacred Women Retreat” and with the meetings that take place with our “Wolf Manas” clan, especially the initiation meetings of “The rite of the Womb”.

Even after so much learning, life hardened me once again, with so many challenges and afraid of feeling everything that was happening, I blocked my emotions, and once again I found myself losing the sparkle in my eyes and the will to live. Once again, the power plants saved me, this time it was the Ceremonial Cacao that allowed me to access my heart, my emotions and even my anger in a “safe place”. If I already loved cacao, imagine after it brought me the joy of living back.

What I like to bring to my cacao ceremonies nowadays is precisely this sacred space to sit with our emotions and the time needed for them to manifest.

The community gathering started with my group of friends getting together frequently to consecrate Rapeh (shamanic Snuff), a tobacco-based power plant that allows us to connect with spirituality and/or bring us the necessary grounding. We perceive in these meetings an opportunity to continue our body-mind-spirit growth and together we continue our personal and spiritual development, where our community members bring their tools to add to the group.

Another very important part of my journey is undoubtedly MATERNITY. The arrival of Ben Ben transformed everything I knew about myself or the world. He brings me closer to God and the truth. 

He is an opportunity I have to create a better world. And the fact of living a solo motherhood teaches me that life can be much simpler than the human mind can imagine.

One of the things I love to do, in addition to my events, workshops and therapeutic sessions, is traveling, discovering new landscapes and being in constant contact with nature or reading and writing books.

Well, if you’ve read this far, you probably already know a lot about me and I want to know about you too! How can we work together?

Go there in the contacts and leave me a message of how my story resonates with yours.